Seminar devoted to the topic „Public and management of radioactive waste: Experience a actual calls for fulfilling of the international obligations in Slovakia“ was held on 23th April 2013. Seminar was organized as the part of the research project IPPA (Implementing Public Participation Approaches in Radioactive Waste Disposal) which DECOM, a.s. cooperates with the international partners on. The seminar was supported by the active participation of representatives of European Commission (Wolfgang Hilden), Via Iuris, company JAVYS and partners of IPPA project (Regional Environmental Center REC (HU), DECOM, a.s. and UMB). Presentations were alternated by free discussion of participants from state offices (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economy), experts from the companies focused on the projects dealing with nuclear energy and environment, representatives of National Nuclear Fund as well as representatives of municipalities placed near existing nuclear facilities.